The changed field value is available anywhere smart values are supported using the{{fieldChange}}substitution. Accesses the details of a subtask's parent issue. Visit the marketplace to integrate your build or deployment tool with Jira Cloud. You can access all fields of the Epic. this is only available for some triggers. See all Jira Cloud automation smart values related to date and time. This can be obtained by sending a webhook to a webhook test site (like or by intercepting the message by enabling Jira's HTTP access logs and HTTP dump from the System > Logging and Profilingscreen and then checking the request data. Automation allows you to focus on the work that matters, removing the need to perform manual, repetitive tasks by allowing your teams to automate their tasks, processes, and workflows. {{sprint.originBoardId}} - Returns the ID of the board the sprint belongs to. 2 edit issue actions that need to 'add' to the value of a field instead of overwriting it). If you've already registered, sign in. Jira smart values - issues | Cloud automation Cloud - Atlassian Support {{attachment. Solved: Using Automation to Link issues in a workflow with {{issue.resolution}} - Returns the issue's resolution. The following example prints all the issue keys returned from the JQL search, in bullet point form. A build represents the process in which files are converted into their final consumable form. To get a property in it, we should use{{webhookData.someValue.childValue}}. {{issue.affectedServices.changeApprovers}}, {{issue.affectedServices.changeApprovers.displayName}}, {{issue.affectedServices.dependentServices}}, {{issue.affectedServices.dependentServices.tier}}, {{issue.Request Type.currentStatus.status}}, {{ With the 're-fetch issue data' action (which I seldom use), I noticed that this can put the automation execution on-hold for the whole 5 seconds! To get a concrete example, let's consider the payload below: Here are some examples of ways to test the JSON path to get the right data in the smart values, so you can get it right on your first try! TEST-123-some-feature, {{repository.url}} returns the absolute URL of the repository, e.g. Learn more about date and time smart values. This example shows the previous status for issues that are transitioned. global admin section. Smart values allow you to access issue data within Jira. This was something we have added since the split and I suspect that the server team has not caught up. {{issue. It looks like our Jira-server does not the{{#if }} statement :(, Get answers to your question from experts in the community, Share a use case, discuss your favorite features, or get input from the community, Smart value use of "{{#if }} does not seem to work, {{#if(issue.assignee.equals(issue.coordinator.accountId))}}. Learn how to find the right Jira automation smart values for your issue fields in Jira Cloud. Learn more about date and time smart values. A condition refines the rule so it wont act too broadly. Step 1: In the top-right corner of your Jira Automation Settings, select Create Rule. Jira smart values - issues | Automation for Jira Data Center and Server Otherwise, register and sign in. Is there a way to similar functionality in Jira-Server? Affects version of an issue as a list. {{}}: Returnsthe email address associated with the user name. {{comment.visibility.value}} - Returns the comment restriction label if any, e.g. As a result of this design, the automation got initiated while triggered by a transition, however the data needed for the automation could not be yet updated. Can you please assist us in working out the following issues? Please try just two around each side: Of note: what is the type of your field? You can access an insight field's full name, key, or summary through the following smart values: You can access a Tempo Account field's properties through the following smart values: To test what your smart value returns, use the, The active issue. Possible states are production, staging, testing, development, and unknown, Used with: the Sprint created, Sprint started and Sprint completed triggers. These smart values are only available for the Branch created development trigger. Also provides the customer portal URL for Jira Service Management issues. Every rule starts with a trigger. The changed field value is available anywhere smart values are supported using the{{fieldChange}}substitution. {{deletedFieldChanged.fieldType}} - Returns the fieldType of the field that has changed due to deletion of a value. Any property used with the{{issue}}smart value can also be used with{{createdIssue}}. {{deployment.state}} returns the state of the deployment. Jira smart values - JSON functions See all smart values that take issue fields and convert them into JSON format. Learn more about date smart values. {{flags.key}} returns the key of the feature flag. Thisshould not be usedsince it requires an expensive reload of issue data. If this issue is a sub-task, then parent refers to the parent issue. The "Request Type" prefix may be"Customer Request Type" in older instances of Jira. my-custom-prod-env, {{environment.type}} returns the environment type. Instead using Re-fetch for Cloud slows the rule for about 1 second (or more). Smart values are variables that you can use in automation action configuration parameters. for a select field. Smart values are one of the most potent ways to do so. Jira automation template showing how to sum up story points - Atlassian These can be combined with other date and time smart values. Developers. You can access all fields of the Epic. Seeaccesing multi-value fields.Properties for versions include:name, description, archived, released, releaseDate. Returns information related to all feature flags created in throughout the rule or branch, as a list. If youre an Automation for Jira app customer on a server product, check out the Automation for Jira documentation for Jira Server. You must be a registered user to add a comment. Now whenever this field changes in Jira, this automation rule kicks in. Returns the value of the Jira Service Managements scale custom field. However sometimes the two fields holds the same person, resulting in an email with twice the same name. Similar to{{issue. {{createdBranch.product}} - returns the product that the branch was created in (for example, Bitbucket). Refers to the original issue that triggered the rule; used when you branch the chain. Returns a list of issues from a JQL search caused bythe Lookup issues action. All of the issues found by the trigger are then treated as a single bundle of issues. { {issue. For example, the smart value{{now.plusDays(5)}} references the current time and adds 5 days to it, while {{issue.summary}} will print off the summary of the issue. A commit represents an individual change to a file (or set of files). Returns the issue's comments. These smart values can only be accessed through other root keys (e.g{{deployment.environment}}). Learn more about configuring time tracking. {{createdBranches.repository}} - accesses details of the branches' repositories, {{}} - returns the IDs of each repository, {{}} - returns the names of each repository. You can also trigger rules to run from third party services like Bitbucket or GitHub. Automation rules are made up of three parts: triggers that kick off the rule, conditions that refine the rule, and actions that perform tasks in your site. {{attachment.created}}: Returnsthe date and time the attachment was added to the issue. [xxx].size}}: Returnsthe file size of a specific attachment. Jira smart values in automation rules. Possible states include pending, in_progress, successful, failed, cancelled, rolled_back, or unknown. {{createdBranch.repository}} - accesses details of the branchs repository, {{}} - returns the repositorys ID, {{}} - returns the repositorys name. Learn more about list smart values. Jira Software Questions Smart value of trigger issue in automation Smart value of trigger issue in automation Eliyahu Klein Jan 09, 2023 Hi, I created an automation that created a value in a short text field. Used with the Related issues condition. Used with: Create branch in Bitbucket, Create branch in GitHub, and Create branch in GitLab actions. Please raise suggestion ticket in our public tracker, [Custom Field].id}} - Returns the unique id for the field assigned by Jira. If a rule is inactive, it will not execute until it is enabled. {{}} - Returns the names of the issue's Affected services. Because this smart value deals with multiple items (i.e: issues can have many components), it can be used with the#symbol to apply the rule to each individual component. Learn more about user smart values. {{issue.reporter.displayName}} - Returns the issue's reporter. Learn how to use these to interact with Jiras REST API. {{}} - Returns the name of the fix version. Summary Automation for Jira has a trigger that reads incoming webhooks, both in on-premises and cloud intances. [Custom Field].description}} - Returns the text displayed below the custom field viewed in the Simple Search column. They can add significant power and complexity to your rules. The "Request Type" prefix may be"Customer Request Type" in older instances of Jira. E.g. {{changelog.status}} - Changelog information for theStatus field. Exclusive to the Approval completed trigger: {{approval.approver}} - Returns approvers account id. "sd.public.comment".internal}}, Best practices for optimizing automation rules, View performance insights for automation rules, Connect your automation rule to another tool. These smart values are only available for the Build successful, Build failed and Build status changed development triggers. Accesses information for the current running rule. Access information related to the last branch that was created. After a lot of searches, I found the answer on: When an epic is marked as done move all of its stories to done also. Through the dot notation you can access fields like issue type, status and custom fields (details on how you can use these to interact with Jira's REST api are here) They allow you to access and manipulate almost any data in Jira. {{issue.InsightField}} - Returns the issue summary and issue key, {{issue.InsightField.key}} - Returns the issue key, {{issue.InsightField.summary}} - Returns the issue summary. Added by: Webhook TriggerThis allows access to data that was sent along with the incoming webhookThe body of the Webhook request. {{}} - Accesses any comment property. Jira smart values - issues | Automation for Jira Data Center and Server Keep earning points to reach the top of the leaderboard. {fieldChange.toString}}- Returns the new value as displayed. {{pullRequest.state}} returns the state the pull request is in - Open, Merged, or Declined. Automation is currently available in Jira Software Cloud and Confluence Cloud. role. {{}} - Returns the ID of comment's author. {{issue.TempoAccountField}} - Returns the name of the account, {{}} - Returns the ID of the account, {{}} - Returns the name of the account, {{issue.TempoAccountField.value}} - Returns the name of the account, Can be used with: the Approval required trigger and the Approval completed trigger. Properties are frequently used by add-ons and integrations to store values. Triggers will listen for events in Jira, such as when an issue is created or when a field value is changed. {{worklog.visibility}} -available when the worklog is restricted, {{worklog.visibility.type}} -available when the worklog is restricted, {{worklog.visibility.value}} -available when the worklog is restricted. {{commit.repository}} returns the information related to the repository. Click Create a webhook. Examples of using smart values with lists. Each DevOps trigger makes relevant smart values available, related to commits, changesets, committer users . I found both of these smart values seemed to work: If neither of these work for you, there are a few other options in those linked questions you can try :), {{}} returns only the sprint that started and which triggered this automation event. This re-fetches the latest state of the issue from Jira. In this component, we use the following settings:The email address of the reporter is captured in the smart value {{reporter.emailAddress}}, but we need to use it in a URL and therefore will use the smart value {{reporter.emailAddress.urlEncode . All properties available to{{issue}}are also available on this smart value. What goes around comes around! {{issue.affectedServices.changeApprovers}} - Returns the account ID of all change approvers of the issue's services. {{issue.latest.description}} - Returns the status's description. Can be combined with other date and time smart values.