Here are the top 10 players of all time by total touchdowns scored from scrimmage. revelation123 says: Patriots have been outstanding organization for 15 years running: deal with it!!!! All Super Bowl winning teams have cheated. Unless its your own QB, in which case you pretend it never happened. [2nd] Most Pass Receptions, Game 16 (vs. L.A. Rams, Nov. 20, 1994) Step away from the computer Jerry, Joe Montana was overheard saying. Well, theres 3 more Super Bowl titles that come with an asterisk. I received a lot of letters from recruiters at big schools like USC, LSU, Mississippi State. These guys are always looking for an angle, a step up, or an edge. Get off your high horse. He had seven receptions for 148 yards and three touchdowns. Fans of another team do not like the Patriots? "Jerry expanded the position of . I am not of the If you aint cheating, you aint trying philosophy, apparently. He has been one of the most outspoken Brady critics talking about deflategate as if it is a proven fact and created some huge advantage. Calling other fans jealous or haters only serves to make you simpletons look even more pathetic than previously thought. 2012 XLVI New York Giants Im going to guess he says nothing. Before landing. no no no. Not a surprise given the owners original stance trying to sweep the Ray Rice wife beating under the rug. Bill is the reason I played in the NFL. You are my life, and I love you with all my heart. Move on. Joe was the ultimate prankster, put in Tiger balm in jocks and Steve would roll out of bed and come to work with his hair all messed up. I await your brilliant response. *BRADY & *PATS the ONLY Team in NFL History to win the Super Bowl when behind ten points or more in fourth quarter. They are either illegal or they are not. People who have been crying about Spygate for years have always overlooked the fact that such behavior has been RAMPANT throughout the NFL throughout its history. *Bill Walsh. Please explain how this has anything to do with the Deflatriots letting the air out of balls or taping their opponents. Lets see, he played in both Super Bowls against the Bengals and had significant catches. More Self righteous BS.. Rogers over inflates the ball with the hope that it would be certified by the Ref.. Thats cheating!! As the 251st pick in the seventh round, Isiah Pacheco was 11 picks away from becoming Mr. Live by example and dont point fingers is a wise philosophy. Five Super Bowls in 12 years. Looks like Joe would would never have won more than TWO SBs if Rice did not cheat. Answer (1 of 7): I would like to think it would be TO because he played with left-handed and right-handed QBs and had a tendency to get great yardage after the catch, make spectacular catches, yet seemed to drop simple catches from time to time. Teams learn much more from scouting, game film, etc. 2003 XXXVII Tampa Bay* Hes just been better at the end of games then every other QB in history, and that has turned a lot of losses into wins. And that was part of the conversation Belichick had with Goodell during the spygate investigation. Sorry Charles Haley but were going to reverse our decision to admit you into the Pro Football Hall Of Fame. The most ironic part is a confirmed and self admitted CHEATER called out a team that has not been found guilty of ANYTHING regarding the PSI (not CSI) investigation. He is tainted FOREVER****. That came out as a false story. And, ESPN started putting stuff out before facts were in. That made me work even harder. Enshrined into Pro FootballHall of Fame:August 7, 2010 [1st] Most Receptions, Career 37 Funniest post in this thread! One game that stands out in my mind would be the NFC Championship game that we played against the Bears in the 1988 season in Chicago. There were no shortcuts. As more and more teams are shown to have skirted the rules, the zero tolerance Pats haters are finding themselves painted into a corner of their own making. We merely enjoy pointing to the hypocrisy of all the mouth-breathing loser who keep chanting asterisk with regards to the Pats, but want to wave away Brad Johnson admitting he bribed ball boys to deflate footballs before his SuperBowl win, or Rice admitting he cheated with stickum, or Don Shulas cheating via tampering with the Dolphins (which ended up costing the Dolphins a first round pick, same punishment as Spygate, hmmmm. When Patriots fans talk about Spygate and say everyone was filming signals, people said that was no excuse. but only in patriots case everybody making huge deal, it is NOT even prove that patriots are guilty in under defalted football so thats clear indication that they simply jealous of patriots. He owns virtually every significant receiving mark. The issue arose in the Colts game, not the Seahawk game. To my children, I am so proud of you. Rice started at wide receiver. Honore de Balzac. 1,549 receptions, 22,895 yards, 208 touchdownsyou can go through the ranks of the different positions, there isnt anybody that is anywhere near Jerry Rice, in ability and what hes done on the football field. That is a lot different from Jerry Rice using stick-em. Rice you cheated and knew it, dirtbag cheater. The Subcommittee is meeting here today to hear testimony on ``Management and Access Challenges Across the Southwestern Region Forests.''. [2nd] Most Games, 100 or More Yards Receiving, Season 8 (1989) hey packer fans, go read some packer autobiographies of all the tricks Lombardi did to make sure his players would take less then full value contracts. The Patriots are cheaters. *BRADY *& *PATS* the *ONLY* Team in NFL History to win the Super Bowl when behind ten points or more in fourth quarter. By whom? If Ray had been using Antler Spray, then he ran the risk of being caught. Jerry still ran the routs, scored on end-arounds and couldnt be caught once he caught the ball. One thing is sure that everyone is jealous of patriots. New Patient Forms; Pats fans are in such denial that they resort to calling those of us who are on the side of the truth, haters. [Tied for 2nd] Most Touchdowns, Game 5 (vs. Atlanta, Oct. 14, 1990) 2000 XXXIV St Louis News flash. Translation: The more you run your mouth, the more you run the risk of talking yourself into trouble. What a terrible article. He was also the owner of the Randy Moss Motorsports with HTM, a NASCAR Camping World Truck Series team. Maybe they shouldnt wipe the balls down with towels when it rains, or players shouldnt be allowed to put paint under their eyes to help with glare. I Jerrys case, its Stickum. All-Time NFL Team (selected in year 2000) The stadium was my stage, and I was there every Sunday to put on a performance for the fans. Are the ski towns filling up with liberal snowflakes? This is not called cheating, this is called life. Jerrys a diva that needs attention, and now that he has it, he needs a PR rep, stat. Not a member? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In the playoffs, the Niners ran into a new rival: the Green Bay Packers. We are beyond the point that this talk is blown way out of proportion, and as of now, my thought process is that these guys are the best players in the world, whether they drop a PSI of air, put hairspray on gloves, or take a brush and rub a football. Thats different than the refs certifying the ball first, then a player/staff member altering the ball later. So grab ye Sad that some Pats fans will think this sort of revelation justifies their own teams repeated shenanigans. Not a 49er fan but had a lotion deep respect for your skills and records but you enhanced them by making it almost impossible to drop the ball. 22 bids - Price: $172.50 - Watchers: 43. Getting away with 55 in a 50 zone is cheating. I never wanted to let my father down, and I was afraid to let Bill Walsh down. [Tied for 1st] Most Receiving Touchdowns, Game 3 (vs. Minnesota, Jan 1, 1989; vs. Denver, Super Bowl XXIV; vs. San Diego, Super Bowl XXIX) Dont let actual facts get in the way of your whiny, emotional response about the mean ol Pats though. How this doesent tarnish legacies related to those great? 49er teams is beyond me? [2nd] Most Pass Receptions, Season 112 (1994) And thats why I said get rid of all the Super Bowl rings and start everything anew. [1st] Most Points, Game 30 (vs. Atlanta, Oct. 14, 1990) Com(mie)cast couldnt pay me to watch it on their overpriced bundle. #4: 5th Grade Science as well as college science dictates loss of air pressure as temperature drops. Dont know when those came out but I used the golf version in the 80s. That aside, 49ers cheated to some Super Bowls, Denver cheated to some Super Bowls and so did the Patroits. [1st] Most Pass Receiving Yards Gained, Career 22,895 Our who team did this in mass. And he started putting stickum on them. Stickum in the 80s isnt half as a helpful to receiver as the synthetic blend gloves that make guys like ODB make sick catches like he does- and he should. PS Hey Carter, looks like Rice says you cheat too. He had every gift but length of years. This is coming from a Green Bay fan whose team doesnt suck, nor did they lose to the Patriots. revelation123 says: I will defend Jump-Ball Joe anytime over Cheatn Tom. They let them cheat for 6+ years with a deflated ball, and the league does nothing about it. Website design & development by copyright 2021 Pro Football hall of fame all rights reserved, Black College Football Hall of Fame Classic. Bills, Jets, Miami fansStart this waygood ownership, REAL FOOTBALL PEOPLE TO MAKE REAL FOOTBALL DECISIONS. Randy Moss/Terrell . Bet some of that stickum got on the ball for Joe to grip. #decreaseinPSI Rice recorded 21 catches for 299 yards and three touchdowns at Colorado this season. It marked the first of 11 straight 1,000-yard seasons for Rice who also recorded double-digit receiving touchdown totals in nine of the next 10 seasons. Jerry Rice Career Stats - Rice has caught passes in 184 straight games, breaking the mark set by Art Monk from 1980-95. Before you go assigning your sad, bitter little asterisks to the Pats achievements, make sure your own house is in order. The fact is that the law regarding stickum was passed in 1981 and everyone ignored it. He wasnt that fast in his hands werent that good. Pass Receiving Yardage Titles: 1986, 1989, 1990, 1993, 1994, 1995, Team Statistical Championships [1st] Most Combined Net Yards, Career 604 I love you, mom. 2002 XXXVI New England* [Tied for 1st] Most Consecutive Games, 100 or More Yards Receiving 3 (1988-1989) Goodell isnt some independently appointed representative of a fair NFL, hes an employee of the owners. With Deflate Gate, and Seattle making a mind numbing dumb call at the end, yup the Pats indeed have their fourth asterisk. And that includes two of Montanas rings he would have never won without Rices FILTHY CHEATING! How Many Drops Did Jerry Rice Have In His Career | StatMuse Jerry Rice played 20 seasons for the 49ers, Raiders and Seahawks.